Monday, February 8, 2016

Even a Wolf in Wolf's Clothing is just a Sheep to Obama and his ilk.

ISIS Giving the Finger to non-Muslims.
Is Obama clueless about his actions opening the opportunity for creation of the Islamic Jihadist Caliphate?
Is he feckless and oblivious to what he has done by removing our Military from Iraq and invading Libya?
Does he not get that his rules of engagement e.g. no carrying guns on bases in the US, no preemptive strikes and other such insane liberal leftist ideas means that Islamic terrorists are free to engage our troops but our troops can not engage them?  Does he not understand the concept of "Sitting Duck"?

Or is he a sympathizer or even collaborator with Islamic Jihad due to his Muslim upbringing?

History will tell us perhaps.  What is fact is that, according to the United nations, ISIS has spread to 34 countries .

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